Ordering an iPhone SE Case? - Louise Mead

Ordering an iPhone SE Case?

In 2020 Apple released a new SE design. Whilst it's a lovely new phone, it can make things a little confusing when ordering a new case. So here's a simple way of figuring out which case to order. 


Difference between iPhone SE 2016 1st generation and iPhone 2020 2nd generation


iPhone SE (2020)

In April 2020, Apple released a new SE design, along with the iPhone 12 models.  

The new SE design has rounder edges than the 2016 model.  

iPhone SE (2016)

The original iPhone SE was launched in 2016 and can be identified by its slightly squarer edges. You may well have bought your iPhone SE in 2020 or later, and it could be the 2016 model. 

There are a few possible reasons for this:

  • You bought your phone before the new model was released in April 2020
  • You purchased one of the remaining 2016 models that some retailers had in stock after April 2020
  • It's still possible to buy the 2016 model if you order a refurbished phone

So how do you tell which iPhone SE design you have?  

The image below shows the two models from the side. On the left is the 1st generation SE (2016), which is slightly chunkier and has squarer edges. On the right is the slightly slimmer 2nd generation SE (2020), which has more rounded edges.  

Know which case you need? Great!  Shop iPhone Cases

Still not quite sure? Take a look at this guide from the Apple UK website